Keyboard Shortcuts

File Management

Ctrl+N Create a new file
Ctrl+O Open an existing file
Ctrl+S Save current file
Ctrl+F4 Close current file
Ctrl+T Display the document's properties
Ctrl+P Print current document
Ctrl+F6 Next document
Alt+X Exit the application

Cursor Movement

Left Move the cursor left one character
Right Move the cursor right one character
Ctrl+Left Move the cursor left one word
Ctrl+Right Move the cursor right one word
Up Move the cursor up one line
Down Move the cursor down one line
Ctrl+Up Move the cursor up one paragraph
Ctrl+Down Move the cursor down one paragraph
Home Move the cursor to the start of a line
End Move the cursor to the end of a line
Ctrl+Home Move the cursor to the top of the document
Ctrl+End Move the cursor to the bottom of the document
Page Up Move the cursor up one screen
Page Down

Move the cursor down one screen


Ctrl+Z Undo the last action
Shift+Ctrl+Z Redo the last action
Insert Toggle Insert/Overwrite mode
Ctrl+X Cut the selection
Ctrl+C Copy the selection
Ctrl+V Insert contents of the Clipboard
Ctrl+Del Clear the selection
Ctrl+A Select the entire document
Alt+Enter Object properties
Ctrl+F Find the specified text
F3 Repeat the last find
Ctrl+R Replace specific text with different text
Ctrl+G Goto the specified line
Ctrl+B Bold style
Ctrl+I Italic style
Ctrl+U Underline style
Shift+Ctrl+L Numbering style
Ctrl+] Increase indentation
Ctrl+[ Decrease indentation
Shift+Ctrl+> Increase font size
Shift+Ctrl+< Decrease font size
Alt+U Convert to uppercase
Alt+L Convert to lowercase
Shift+Ctrl+U Join selected paragraphs
Ctrl+1 Set single line spacing
Ctrl+5 Set 1.5 lines spacing
Ctrl+2 Set double line spacing


F7 Spell Checking of the document

Send current document as an attachment

F5 Execute current file according to Windows associations
Alt+B Clipboard viewer
Ctrl+H Html export
Ctrl+W Edit current text in Microsoft Word
Shift+Ctrl+T Lines sorting

Miscellaneous Shortcuts

F1 Display the Crypt Edit Help
Shift+Ctrl+D Insert date and/or time
Shift+Ctrl+C Insert special character
Shift+Ctrl+S Insert signature
Shift+Ctrl+P Insert picture
Shift+Ctrl+O Insert embedded object
Ctrl+F1 Larger zoom
Ctrl+F2 Smaller zoom
Alt+R Mark/Unmark the selection as protected (read-only)
Ctrl+D Add current document to the bookmark list